Rollup release 2.5.16

This release includes responsive support along with accessibility enhancements and documentation updates for vf-breadcrumbs. It also includes changes for deprecating vf-collapse and vf-explainer and changelog corrections for multiple components.

17 May 2024


vf-breadcrumbs 2.0.6 npm git diff

vf-component-library 1.2.10 npm git diff

vf-componenet-rollup 1.4.10 npm git diff

embl-notifications 1.2.5 npm git diff

vf-analytics-google 1.1.2 npm git diff

vf-badge 3.0.2 npm git diff

vf-banner 2.0.2 npm git diff

vf-blockquote 1.2.5 npm git diff

vf-bookmark 1.0.2 npm git diff

vf-content 1.6.14 npm git diff

vf-dropdown 1.0.2 npm git diff

vf-form 2.0.2 npm git diff

vf-form__legend 2.0.2 npm git diff

vf-global-header 3.1.6 npm git diff

vf-hero 4.0.2 npm git diff

vf-mega-menu 1.0.2 npm git diff

vf-navigation 5.0.3 npm git diff

vf-tabs 2.1.4 npm git diff

vf-video-container 1.0.2 npm git diff

vf-video 1.0.2 npm git diff

vf-component-initialization 1.1.12 npm git diff

vf-core 2.2.42 npm git diff

vf-extensions-react 0.0.7 npm git diff

vf-sass-compilation 1.1.22 npm git diff


vf-explainer 0.0.3 npm git diff

vf-collapse 0.0.3 npm git diff

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